Similar words: flying squad, saucer, cup and saucer, flying, flying colours, flying colors, sauce, with flying colours. Meaning: n. an (apparently) flying object whose nature is unknown; especially those considered to have extraterrestrial origins.
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1. The monster got zapped by a flying saucer .
2. The flying saucer is yet an unsolved mystery.
3. His flying saucer, however, is made of glass fibre and runs on compressed air.
4. If you stare at the flying saucer long enough it begins to vibrate.
5. Was it a flying saucer from another planet?
6. Want to see a flying saucer?
7. Sports products target shooting with the flying saucer.
8. He asseverated that he had seen a flying saucer.
8. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
9. There was a rumor of a flying saucer having been seen.
10. The temple crumbles, and a flying saucer rises from the debris and disappears.
11. What does this mean as far as our flying saucer program is concerned?
12. The three men, the flying saucer would have more to China's soft rib.
13. The flying saucer retains what it can of its original structure and changes what it must.
14. On this particular occasion however, it is a nifty little flying saucer.
15. He said, too, that he had been kidnapped by a flying saucer in 1967.
16. He would not raise his eyes to the sky, though he knew there was a flying saucer from Tralfamadore up there.
17. The response characteristic of moving-mass control for the low-altitude aircraft is researched based on the moving-mass control system model of the flying saucer.
18. Production is now: Qiangji shell, IR waterproof shell, shell flying saucer, valves, gear, auto parts, hardware.
19. In the newspaper report that followed, it was mistakenly stated that the objects were saucer-shaped, hence the term flying saucer.
20. Because of excellent wether conditions and extremely strong signals, Venusian scientists were able to get valuable information as to rhe feasibility of a manned flying saucer landing on earth.
21. The riflery event basic category is the rifle (fire), the pistol (fire), runs the target, throws the target (fire) and the bidirectional flying saucer (fire).
22. Jeff: This method is easy to succeed quickly . Annie should prac - tice the flying saucer.
23. I can had swear ( that ) I sow a flying saucer over the sky!
24. The sky again afresh brightness, injustice the sun of along while once more male, evilly stare at this guest who comes uninvited, shine on that brigade flying saucer be brightly shining to put light!
25. If all you say is true, won't set back the flying saucer program several years?
26. She thought that the thing in the marsh was a flying saucer.
27. In mid - June the Belgrade station, is a flying saucer World Series this year, the last stop.
28. It boggles the mind that Henry should have been inside a flying saucer.
More similar words: flying squad, saucer, cup and saucer, flying, flying colours, flying colors, sauce, with flying colours, with flying colors, soy sauce, fly into, fly in the ointment, a fly in the ointment, lying, smelling salts, savings and loan, rallying, outlying, dallying, savings account, low-lying, lying down, bullying, rallying cry, underlying, multiplying, rallying point, savings and loan association, saucy, faucet.